The Sphere Project HAP International People In Aid ALNAP

Horn of Africa Learning and Accountability Portal

Horn of Africa Crisis: Guidelines and resources


ALNAP (July 2012) The State of the Humanitarian System 2012

The Sphere Project (2010) Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response


(Feb 2012) Results in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States and Situations

HAP (2010) The 2010 HAP Standard in Accountability and Quality Management

ECB (2007) Impact Measurement and Accountability in Emergencies: The good enough guide

DFID Measuring and Managing for Results in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States and Situations


A wide variety of agency-specific and sector-specific guidelines is available. One of the more commonly used multi-sector approaches is that of the ICRC/IFRC:

ICRC/IFRC (2008) Guidelines for Assessment in Emergencies

Cash programming

Visit Cash Learning Partnership (CALP)  for a comprehensive list of guidelines, including those from ACF, DG-ECHO, HelpAge International, Horn Relief (specific to Somalia), IFRC/ICRC, Oxfam and WFP.

HPG (Jan 2012) The Impact of Cash Transfers on Nutrition in Emergency and Transitional Contexts: A Review of Evidence

IFRC (2011) Cash Transfer in Samburi and Marsabit

Communication, Media and Information

Infoasaid & Actionaid (Mar 2012) Communicating with Disaster Affected Commuities: The Infoasaid-Actionaid Partnership and Communications Initiative in Kenya

Infoasaid (Jan 2012) Media and Telecoms Landscape Guide - Somalia

OSF (Dec 2011) Digital Media, Conflict and Diasporas in the Horn of Africa

Infoasaid (Sept 2011) Media and Telecoms Landscape Guide - Ethiopia


Feinstein International Center (Oct 2011) Addressing Integrated Coordination in Food Security Crises: A Brief Assessment of the Role, Mandate and Challenges of the GLobal Food Security Cluster

OCHA (July 2011) Guidance on the Use of Foreign Military and Civil Defense Assets to Support Humanitarian Operations in the Context of the Current Food Security Crisis in the Horn of Africa

Crop agriculture, seeds and seed fairs

Shihemi, AM and A Berloffa (2010) Minimum Guidelines for Agriculture and Livelihoods Interventions in Humanitarian Settings, IASC Agriculture and Livelihoods Cluster

CRS, ICRISAT and ODI (2002) Seed Vouchers and Fairs: A manual for seed-based agricultural recovery after disaster in Africa, Catholic Relief Services, Nairobi; International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

Disaster Risk Reduction, Preparedness and Resilience

European Commission (Oct 2012) The EU Approach to Resilience: Learning from Food Security Crises

UNISDR (Feb 2012) Drought Contingency Plans and Planning in the Greater Horn of Africa

UNISDR (2012) Africa Informs: Special Issue on Drought

USAID & IFPRI (Dec 2011) Enhancing Resilience in the Horn of Africa

European Commission (Oct 2011) Investing in Drought Preparedness


Save the Children (2012) A Creeping Crisis: The Neglect of Education in Slow-Onset Emergencies


European Commission (2012) Operational Guidance for Funding Proposals in Djibouti

European Commission (2012) Operational Guidance for Funding Proposals in Ethiopia

European Commission (2012) Operational Guidance for Funding Proposals in Kenya

European Commission (2012) Operational Guidance for Funding Proposals in Somalia


Norad (2012) Making Gender Matter in Humanitarian Operations

Human resource management

People in Aid (2003) People in Aid Code of Good Practice in the Management and Support of Aid Personnel

Livelihoods and longer-term interventions

Oxfam (May 2011) Governance for a Resilient Food System

Shihemi, AM and A Berloffa (2010) Minimum Guidelines for Agriculture and Livelihoods Interventions in Humanitarian Settings, IASC Agriculture and Livelihoods Cluster

IIRR / Acacia Consultants / Cordaid (2008) Drought Cycle Management: A toolkit for the drylands of the Greater Horn, International Institute for Rural Reconstruction, Nairobi


LEGS Project (2009) Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards 


Albu, M (2010) The Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis Toolkit


TOWA ( June 2012) Protecting and Improving Nutrition and Food Security for People Living with HIV and AIDS

Global Nutrition Cluster (2008) A Toolkit for Addressing Nutrition in Emergency Situations, IASC Global Nutrition Cluster, UNICEF

(Jan 2008) What Works? Interventions for Maternal and Child Under Nutrition and Survival

( July 2003) A Review of the Eddectiveness of Agriculture Interventions in Improving Nutrition Outcomes

A Life Free From Hunger: Tackling Child Malnutrition


Oxfam (Mar 2012) Local Capacity in Humanitarian Response

ALNAP (2006) Guide on Participation by Crisis-Affected Populations in Humanitarian Action: A handbook for practitioners

Protection and Security

Somalia Protection Cluster (2012) Think Protection! A Protection Mainstreaming Tool for Drought, Famine and Displacement in Somalia

Humanitarian Outcomes (2011) Aid Worker Security Report


Although these guidelines are specific to food aid, many of the principles are common to other forms of relief assistance:
Taylor, A and J Seaman (2005) Targeting Food Aid in Emergencies, ENN supplement series, No 1, July

Working across borders

ACTED/CARE (2011) ‘Good practice guidelines for cross border programming in the drylands of Horn of Africa’ (draft)